Saturday, June 16, 2007

Screen Door

Today has been a day of making things.

First, Rachel and I baked cookies that the 3-5 year olds will turn into Father's Day gifts tomorrow at Children's Church. Here is a sample:

Next, it was helping Rachel edit a photo for and think about a new business card. Here's the photo we used:

Lastly, I made a screen door for the sliding door. I found an idea in the airline magazine, so I made my own version of it. It is simply a 36" wide piece of nylon screening with a casing on top and bottom. The top is held in place with a tension rod, and the bottom has a plastic-encased chain in it to provide a flexible weigh to make it automatically fall back into place after one walks outside. (No photo, I mean who wants to see a photo of a screen door?

I should have done a bit more house cleaning today--I only managed to get one bathroom cleaned and one load of laundry.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I am losing my mind, no doubt. But I think I've got company.

Monday, June 11, 2007

An Invitation

I'd like to invite my readers, both of you, to check out Zeal For Truth.

Zeal for Truth is the name of a small community of friends and thinkers that I've gotten to know over the last few years via their forum. Recently this forum has added a blog that you may find interesting. Here's some words of welcome from the blog's first post:

Welcome to

This website has served our community for over four years as a framework for grappling with mankind’s inherent exploration of truth. Indeed, Zeal For Truth was founded under only one basic pretense, that absolute objective truth exists. As Aristotle accurately acknowledged in his opening of Metaphysics: “All men by nature desire to know.”

Contributing daily to this blog are multiple authors from the Zeal For Truth community. Topics will be wide-ranging from discussions about the abstract fundamentals of existence and our world to pragmatic interpretations of books, media and personal events. The subjects will be as diverse as we are. But all of these things relate back and contribute to the important, individual process of exploring truth.

It is with great anticipation and excitement that this new articulation arrives. As one of our members noted in the discussion leading up to this blog, “we certainly have enough of a brain trust here to do it.” In other words, we’ve had a lot of fun having these conversations among ourselves over the last four years – but we’re ready to expand outwards and engage the internet in a new way. Please, be encouraged to enter into the material: comment on the blogs, join the forum, perhaps even get to know us a little. Either way, thank you for visiting our website. We all hope you find it valuable.

Please consider joining us in the discussion. It would mean becoming a member, but there's not much effort in doing that, and your privacy will be respected and no junk email will be sent! A lot of the discussions will be about politics, but a lot of them won't be too, so don't let that scare you off.

I personally plan to post a contribution each Thursday. I'd be happy if you stopped by and commented.