Saturday, January 01, 2011

The Two-year Bible?

Almost exactly two years ago we left the church we had been attending and moved to another. The first church passed out "read the Bible in a year" schedules, so I took one and started reading. (Some of those OT stories are rather depressing!) Then the new church had One-Year NTs, and I took one of those and dug in. Finally, last night at 11:40pm, I completed both churches' plans, reading the OT once and the NT twice over a two year period. I finished off Revelation by listening to the dramatized version on this dedicated mp3 player. (These struck my fancy in November and I gave several of them away for Christmas presents, though the non-dramatized version.)

I think it is great to read the whole Bible in a year, but I do find that sometimes it isn't so great to be led by a strict schedule. That is because so much of the Bible needs to be pondered slowly, read and reread. I have an elderly friend who calls it her "slow-read through the Bible."

Not sure what my Bible reading plan for 2011 will be, but I think I should do more pondering and then practicing. :-)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Van Camping and Bird Watching

Gary got me a spotting scope for Christmas, something I be wanting. We got it at Dick's Sporting Goods, and found a no-name one that was about half the price of the name-brand ones. It might not be as good, but we decided it was just fine for a beginner like me.

I want to get the gadget that holds a small digital camera up to a spotting scope so I can do "digiscoping." The above photo of an Eastern Phoebe was taken thru the scope. The originally was badly vignetted, but it looks pretty good after cropping.

We went "van camping" last night at Joe Pool Lake. The weather was very mild, so it was actually quite fun and restful and it gave me a chance to try out my new toy. If you want to see photos of our trip, click here. If you want to see the list of the 24 bird species I saw, click here.