Sunday, November 04, 2007

Missions Sunday

Our church is full of missionaries, so just about any Sunday of the year could be missions Sunday. But our missions committee has planned a few special events to draw attention to world missions including a Saturday night youth event, missionaries eating meals in various homes during the week, and special Sunday services.

On Saturday night we enjoyed the lively world music of Izibongo. (Note: I said world music, not worldy music!) We would have enjoyed it even more if we had actually been in the sanctuary listening to it instead of hearing a distorted version of it over a cranky speaker in the church nursery were we were taking care of six kids, four of whom were MKs.

A subset of the band led worship for the Sunday service today, and I really enjoyed that. Kathy McAndrews has just about figured out how to perfectly sound like a Papua New Guinea woman! That was followed by an interesting talk by Neil Anderson--that is, Neil Anderson the missionary, not Neil Anderson the author of The Bondage Breaker.

We're planning on having a missionary family over for our newly instituted Tuesday night "Soup Group," a time of eating soup followed by doing our Sunday School homework together as a group exercise.

1 comment:

Sadie said...

I like the idea of a Soup Group. Sounds fun!