Thursday, May 27, 2004

Crossed wires

Literally. Something weird, very weird is going on with our phone this afternoon. The phone rang and it was a wrong number. It rang again and the same guy calling. I asked him what number he was trying to reach and it was no where close to our phone number. It rang a third time, same guy. He said, "Sorry, but my wife watched me dial and I dialed 555-5555." I asked him who he was trying to reach. When he told me Mr. X, a name I recognized as someone in our neighborhood! So I called my husband at work and told him to call me back. When he called me, Mrs. X answered from down the street! Yes, the X family and we have somehow switched phone numbers!! Mrs. X called SBC and they said they would send somebody out before 7pm tonight. So if you want to call me today, dial Mrs. X and I'll answer.

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