Saturday, June 19, 2004

Homemade pizza

I've been feeling kind of down today. I really don't know why and I don't think I have any good reason to be down. I'm annoyed with my computer at the moment, but I'm going to try to talk D. into reinstalling the OS on Monday after Doro leaves. It seems to be full of junk. Another thing that made me sad was R. and I decided to have some reading time together--that part made me happy. But when she tried reading a CS Lewis book, The Problem of Pain, she had to give up because she couldn't understand the big words. She has never been a good reader, and I do admire that in recent years she is trying harder to read more, but it isn't easy for her. That makes me sad. Sometimes life seems unfair.

She's so good with Chimbai, however. He comes by often, as do Michael and Ebenezeer. Late this afternoon R. decided that she and Chimbai would make homemade pizza. I gave some help, but really the two of them did most of the work. She is so patient with him, and he responds well to her. She is generous with her time and her love and the pizza too! She's giving him a bunch of it to take home.

Lord, bless her for the good she does. Help her to trust you, to love you, to want to know you more.

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