Saturday, January 15, 2005

Modes of Communication

I just got off the phone with Andrew in Ethiopia. It was a terrible connection. I could hear only about every third word he said. We were trying to talk about some Very Important Matters, so it was frustrating not to be able to converse easily. But what do I expect? It is the other side of the world! So I asked him to write to me, by email, the Very Important Details so I will be entirely clear about what is going on with him. "But I want to talk about them," says he.

This exchange was related to the rest of my family and then following conversation occured:

"Yeah, that sounds like me and X."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, given the choice between talking in person and talking on the phone, X would rather talk on the phone."
"Really? Hmm, given the choice between talking on the phone and writing an email, which would X choose?"
"Really? Hmm, given the choice between email and not communicating at all, which would X choose?
"I get your point."


Anonymous said...

Do I get to guess who X is?

- Eeyore

Thainamu said...

You can guess all you like, but I'm not telling!

Thainamu said...

You might be an oaf.

Ma Hoyt said...

OK. This is some kinda code, right?