Sunday, July 24, 2005

David's New Condo and Yvi's New Husband

David is opening the door to his new condo for the first time. He is starting medical school tomorrow too. Lots of changes for him at the moment, so pray for him if you think of him.

Yvi's wedding party

David and Gary rushed back from Houston to join us in attending the wedding of the daughter of close family friends. We've known Yvi and loved her like a daughter for nearly 20 years. The wedding was unusual in some respects. There were "bridespeople" and "groomspeople" instead of bridesmaids and groomsmen. There was no veil and no wedding cake. But there was beautiful music, the officiants were uncles of the couple, and the reception was lovely.

One part of the service that was extra special to us was the communion. The bride and groom served the bread to those in attendance. The communion set was one made by Gary's mother for our old church, now in our possession. And Yvi had asked me to bake the bread.

We wish Yvi and Scott the best as they start their new life together.

The new couple

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