Monday, October 24, 2005

Broken Washing Machine

I'm awaiting word from David to hear how his big test went today. This is the end of block 2, so his first semester of medical school is two-thirds finished.

In the break before block 3 begins, he needs to try to repair his broken washing machine. He called me for advice the other day, but the best I could do was scan eight pages from the indispensable homeowner's bible and email them to him. Oh, I and told him that no, it wouldn't be a good idea to leave his wet clothes in the washer from Friday until he had time to do something about the washer on Tuesday. Ah, the joys of homeownership. I may need to buy a copy of this book for David for Christmas.

The leaves are starting to fall from our trees, making a mess on the deck I just worked so hard to refinish. I remembered that my mom had bought Gary a leaf blower last year for Christmas, so I got that puppy out and tried it. Wow! I had that deck spottless in no time. After that rousing success, I just couldn't resist the temptation to try it on my kitchen floor. Luckily, no one was home to observe how that went.


Ma Hoyt said...

I may need to try out that leaf blower trick to gather Lego's on the floor.

By the way, I have a dryer that is making funny noises....

Thainamu said...

The leaf blower would work great on legos, but gather isn't the verb I'd use to describe what happens. You'll find legos under the refrigerator, in the mashed potatoes, etc.

When Andrew was in 3rd grade he "invented" a leaf sucker. It does the opposite of a blower, and in his prototype, it sorted all the leaves into different colored piles. Now that's what you need for legos!

MoM said...

How would that work on children;s rooms. Toys in one pile, clothes in laundry basket, clean clothes put away....the designer of such a tool could become quite wealthy...maybe we should ask all those engineers at LETU. Although, I am sure that they too were young messy children once. I even hear that some of them retained this part of their childhood.