Friday, November 25, 2005


Wow, I've been lazy today. Eat junk food, lay around, watch football (which I don't even like to do) and read.

I did manage to clean two bathrooms in 10 hours.

I need to start thinking about Christmas gifts.


Ma Hoyt said...

Hey Thainamu....EVERYONE needs to be lazy, once in a while. You have been working too hard at fixing VCR's and dryers, anyway.

Not to make you fell bad or anything, but I just finished my Christmas shopping front of my computer.

(hee, hee)

It's the only way to shop.

Thainamu said...

Finished?? I'm jealous! But I did get a good start on mine, and it wasn't by hitting the malls yesterday. How did we, who are old enough to remember, manage before the internet?