Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Baby Pictures--Part 3 of 3 (David)

Isn't that about the saddest look you've ever seen? David was not an unhappy child, but at times he was, well, serious. This was actually a passport photo.

David was our quietest child. He hardly ever cried; he was what they call a "self-comforting" child which he accomplished by sucking his thumb and carrying a "tay."

He sucked this thumb all his preschool years, and then announced, at age four and a half, "when I turn five, I won't suck my thumb anymore." And he did exactly that.

David was also a very patient child, a trait fairly uncommon in kids. He would stick with something until he figured it out, long past the time other kids would have given up. I guess that is why the idea of being in college for 10+ years doesn't bother him.


Ma Hoyt said...

These are great photos...though, I'm a little suprised they let that child into the country...he looks contagiously mournful.

Anonymous said...

He's sad about our exams: immunology, head and neck anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology.

Thainamu said...

Sad, but cute, wouldn't you say? And I'd be sad about those exams too. He just needs to study more and drink bubble tea less.

Ma Hoyt said...

OK....I'll bite.

WHAT is bubble tea?

Thainamu said...

I'm going to have to do a post on bubble tea. Ya know, I've had tapioca, and it ain't that great...