Monday, March 20, 2006


Yesterday I cut my finger pretty deep. I was trying to split some speaker wire and I was using a paring knife in a stupid way. I stopped the bleeding with a dish cloth, then made a butterfly closure with duct tape, added a bandaid, then wrapped the whole finger in a piece of tee shirt. For punishment for my folly, I've had to endure three things:
  1. Pain.
  2. Having to explain the story to my coworkers.
  3. Having my medical student son ask me, "Mom, have you been reading Where There Is No Doctor again?


Nathan said...

I love that book! On my 18th birthday, that's all I asked was I a boring kid, eh?

Thainamu said...

If that is all you wanted for your 18th birthday I'd be afaid to give it to you for fear you'd prematurely start your medical practice! But at least it seems like you knew what you wanted to do with your life even then.

Ma Hoyt said...

Thainamu, you are the limit!

Now, of course I would NEVER question your doctoring skills, but that duct tape business has me a little worried.

I have used duct tape to patch up lawn mowers and such, and I find that when the time comes to remove it, the residue is such, that one practically has to destroy the underlying surface in said removal.

Gasoline can sometimes be helpful in erasing this residue, but somehow, I cannot in good conscience recommend that for your finger.

Just how do you intend to get that butterfly bandage off?

(please tell me you used Neosporin...)

Thainamu said...

Ha! You are absolutely right about the duct tape residue--I used duct tape in the first place because of its stickiness, but when I tried to take it off--that was another story--although I didn't resort to gasoline. I didn't use any neosporin yet, but I'll keep an eye out for red streaks running up my arm.