Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yes, I Am

After further thought, I'm afraid I have to say that yes, I am a poor judge of character. This point has come to mind due to the heated political season which--thankfully--comes to an end on Tuesday. I have to say that my first time to vote, I voted for Nixon. Of course, so did most of the country. But what we later learned about Nixon was enough to put me off politics for life. I suppose that was the beginning of a growing personal cynicism about all things political. Sigh.

On to more pleasant matters: the calendar says it must be autumn, but the temperature is 80 degrees. Dallas, never known for its natural beauty, does have nice wildflowers and this year there are also a few colorful trees around.


Ma Hoyt said...

Love the color :-)

'Bout the time we get good looking trees around here, a big wind comes up and blows 3/4 of the leaves into the next state.

Thainamu said...

And now that you're a master gardener, I bet you know the names of the trees I photographed.

Ma Hoyt said...
