Friday, April 30, 2004

Coming and going

Doro's foot is still swollen, but maybe a bit better. She doesn't want to go to the doctor.

A. just phoned and has accepted a tentative position for a job with a Christian relief agency. The job would start late summer, I think. The details still have to be worked out, but his first few months will probably be spent in a war country. Lord, take care of him. We're very proud of him, we're not at all surprised at this job. But it did make me think about this being another phase in my empty nest, one of the chickadees really a long ways away for a really long time. But he has been headed in this direction for quite some time, and I think it is where God wants him to be. Lord, take care of him.

R. phoned today, I hadn't talked to her in quite a few days. She had just turned in a project and was feeling good about having that done. One more big project to finish over the weekend and turn in on Monday. Then she will be mostly done, except for exams. Wow, the end of 4 years for her. Thank you, Lord. One more year to go.

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