Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Empty Nest attack

Tonight my feelings really do relate to my blog's name. I'm starting to feel sad about A. leaving. I'm really starting to feel sad about him getting ready to leave.

Today he had a chat with one of our colleagues who lived in Ethiopia. A. came back from this chat overwhelmed and said, "What were they thinking?? I have no idea what I'm doing!"

This is some of the advice he was given:
--No respectable man shows his elbows. Wear only long-sleeved shirts. No matter what the weather.
--Have your leather shoes shined every day by one of the street shoeshine boys.
--If you learn Amharic, your street value will increase.
--Yes, there is malaria.
--If you can pronouce peoples' names properly, your street value will go up.
--Grow a beard.
--When you are asked to give someone's nephew a job, say you need to first check with your boss.
--When asked for a television, say the television might get broken when you tried to carry it over to them.

Yes, he is in over his head. Lord, help him.

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