Sunday, November 14, 2004

Do angels read blogs?

I wouldn't have thought so, and if they did, I wouldn't expect them to leave comments. And if they did leave comments, I wouldn't expect them to later erase their comments.

It is weird. Back in September I posted a blog entry about my chickadee in Ethiopia. Someone I didn't know, named Mark, left a comment on that entry with information about where to use a credit card in Addis Ababa, and other information specific to life in Addis that turned out to be helpful to my chickadee (who thought I was being stalked :-). The next day I added a blog comment, thanking Mark, whoever he was. Well, yesterday I went back to find those two comments and they are GONE. All other comments seem to be there. What's up with that?

Another comment I left disappeared too, on someone else's blog. But I guess the answer to that is that the blogger just deleted it (as well as his post that prompted my comment). I guess he didn't like what I said.

1 comment:

Me said...

I am sure he didn't delete it... if it was very long ago.. blogger probably just has a date of clearing databases of old comments. Haloscan did that to mine too... I started to post old comments as Edits on the end of the post so that I didn't lose them.