Saturday, November 13, 2004

There's nothing wrong

...but I feel lonely and a little down. Today feels like an empty nest day, one of those days for which I started this blog. The gray weather doesn't help. Actually, I am alone today--the kids are all in their respective places, and G. is also gone on a 9-day trip. My house guest left a few hours ago, so it is just me and the cat. Lots of times I actually like being alone because then I have no responsibilities to keep anyone else happy, and I can use my time as I like. But sometimes if no one is around I lose my focus: I can't decide what to do, I know I should do certain things but I don't feel like it, etc. For instance, I should go shopping, but the thought of doing that repels me, so I decide I can wait another day. I am doing the laundry and getting winter clothes out of storage.

Maybe it is because I just talked to my mom and she can't come for Christmas, Andrew can't come for Christmas, David says he might not come for Christmas. I'm thinking we might just skip Christmas this year. I read a book by that title a couple years ago, and it was actually a good book. I hear then made it into a movie, I wonder if it is any good?

Yeah, it is one of those days where I can't even find any topics on my favorite online forum that I feel like commenting on. It might be one of those days where I eat popcorn and drink diet coke all day long. Why cook if there's no one here to eat it?

No, there's nothing wrong, I just feel a little down. A friend did give me a science fiction book a couple days ago called Ender's Game. I've started it and it is good, so maybe I'll go read. Unfortunately, reading lightweight books in the middle of the day makes me feel guilty for wasting my time--that's pretty stupid, huh? Earlier today I started teaching myself about Powerpoint, but had to stop because I knew I would end up doing Rachel's homework for her if I kept it up, and that's not good.

No, there's nothing wrong...and that's good.

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