Monday, April 17, 2006


Today's date is April 17. The temperature got up to 102 in the Dallas metroplex today. There is such a demand for energy at the moment, there are rolling brownouts across the city. This means many street lights are not working, making for a mess for the evening commuters. The newscasters are telling people to turn off appliances in their homes.

We haven't had any rain lately either, and the poor bluebonnets look miserable this year due to the lack of rain.

If it is this bad in April, what will July be like??


Ma Hoyt said...

Have you ever thought about retiring in Iowa?

I know this is MANY years away, but it's something to keep in mind :-D

(the only "brown-outs" around here, are when the farmers plow on a REALLY windy day)

Thainamu said...

I remember those brown-outs from my childhood where I lived on a gravel road just downwind from a bean field. (This was in Michigan.) I wouldn't mind Iowa in the summer, but I HATE cold and snow, even though I grew up in it.

tank said...

Yeah, I was wondering why it felt like my face was melting off when I got in my car at 5pm. My car said it was 102, too. Some like it hot...that's me!