Friday, June 16, 2006

Obscene or Not?

Trust in the Lord and you will be happy. 16:20b

Today I spent an obscene amount of money on a swimming suit. I justify this expenditure due to the fact that I am trying to prevent myself from looking obscene while swimming.

Acodrnicig to smeboyd's crkcaopt teorhy it is pssbiloe to raed a mgsesae lkie this with flul ustednannirg eevn tuoghh the lteters are mxeid up, as lnog as the bngeninig and ednnig lreetts of ecah wrod are ccrreot. Is trhee a lgnsuiiitc eatlpxanoin for this pneohmnoen? Or is it a bcnuh of beoalny?


Anonymous said...

but lands end has such nice swim suits....i cant afford them anymore, but when my mom bought them they lasted for years!!

Thainamu said...

It is so hard to find a cheap suit for those of us who are--hmm, how shall I put this delicately?--amply endowed. And the Land's End website has all the suits in some kind of database so you can shop by feature and narrow it down to only the suits that fit your criteria. I like that kind of shopping!