Friday, July 14, 2006

Chelsey's Wedding Shower

Doro joined me and Rachel at a wedding shower for a friend tonight. Chelsey's mom and I get together for lunch every so often and discuss our kids--two of whom at one time were dating each other. Doro told us they don't have wedding showers in Germany, so she was curious what they were like. This particular shower had no silly games, and ended in a prayer time, so maybe it wasn't typical either.

This photo is to prove to my far-away boys that yes, Chelsey was absolutely delighted to get a flashlight (batteries included) as a shower gift. Why did they ever doubt my choice?

Chuck, the lucky guy, showed up before the party was over. He came in time to try on his new wedding hat. It is a little hard to tell from this photo, but his had looked like a tuxedo. Cute, huh?

They will be married August 12 at exactly the time I want to attend a wedding reception of another friend, so I told Chelsey I may or may not make it to her wedding. We'll see.

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