Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bad Day? Depends...

It started out with what I considered to be an inappropriate and somewhat threatening email that made me angry. Then there were the "you're invisible" interactions. Then, I overdrew my checking account.

I was beginning to think I was having a bad day.

But, to be fair, I must also say that a cheerful colleague stopped me in the hallway to ask about my new grandchild and to pray for him and his parents right then and there. Then I along with 300 of my closest colleagues celebrated the 89th birthday of one of our own scholars. Lastly, the guy at Taco Bueno gave me the "young lady" discount.

I remember someone once saying that if you have a hangnail, you're not really having a bad day. Being told you have cancer, or your child announcing he is gay, or your house burning down--those things qualify as having a bad day.

It's all in your perspective.

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