Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm Back!

It is way late, so this will be short. (I'm also too wound up to sleep.) I just returned from a trip to Pennsylvania. I attended a wedding of two people who met online on a forum I'm a part of. It was a lot of fun--no ax murderers, but I did leave the hotel with three pocket knives.

After the wedding I went to Lancaster to visit a friend--driving through Paradise on my way to Intercourse and then on to Bird-in-hand (no, I'm not kidding you about these town names!). I had a long day getting back with a flight delay of two hours, but I'm here safe and sound. I'll be posting photos and telling about my trip over the next few days.


Ma Hoyt said...

OK, I have two questions:

1) Did you try to get on a plane with those three pocket knives?

2) Did you know that Ethnologue made the New York Times this morning? (you'll probably have to subscribe, free, to read the article) I am so freakin' impressed!

One more question: can I have Gary and your autographs?

Thainamu said...

1. No, I wrapped the knives up and mailed them to their owners while I was in Lancaster country.

2. Wow, I'm impressed that you found that NYT article! And did you notice that Gary's name was NOT in it?? He did tons of work to help the journalist, spent lots of time with him, but in the final edit he got chopped! Oh, well, he will have to get famous some other way.

3. We don't give autographs. Too much chance of them being sold on ebay, you know.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading a book called A Midwife's Story, about a midwife to the Amish. "I was on my way to Intercourse. Dr. Kaufman's office was in Paradise, but I figured that as long as I was coming out this way, I would go to Intercourse,which is a village in the heart of Amish country. It's impossible not to be curious about a place named Intercourse." Good book, by the way.