Wednesday, July 20, 2005

ZFT Wedding Day (Saturday)

Stacy at Wawa
Stacy woke up early, so I did too. I know I'm not her mother, but the mothering in me can't just be turned off--I could always sleep through a thunderstorm, but one of my kids made a peep and I was wide awake. We went to Wawa for some breakfast food--funny name for a convenience store, but they had real food like fruit and bagels ready to serve. Stacy thought she would be nice to her bf and his roommate, so she bought them some OJ and donuts. She took them to room 126 and gently knocked to see if they were awake. This she repeated every 30 minutes.

In the meantime, the groom came by our room and we had a really nice time to chat with him for about half an hour. It was fun to learn what his plans were. I also asked him to draw me a map of how to get to the church so I wouldn't get lost. And I gave him a map to our house since they plan to come visit soon.

About 11am Stacy discovered that her bf was in room 136, not 126. Whoops. She was finally able to deliver her gift and then we went down and had a chat with them while her bf got his tux on (he being one of the groomsmen). After a few photos of the two of them, he left for the wedding photo shoot and the rest of us got ourselves ready to go to the wedding as well.

Off we went, rain threatening. Around and around we drove, and around and around some more. This was one time when I was glad to have Rachel's cell phone. The groom's map had a few things on it we saw along the way, but we didn't make it to the church until 5 minutes before it was to start. We did, however, see some nice countryside.

Then the wedding venue had to be moved from outside to inside as it started raining. I felt sorry for one of the rain-soaked butterfly flowergirls who ran through the foyer in just her diaper. But her mom seemed more concerned than she was. I guess they used a hairdryer to dry her dress because it was dry when the wedding started about 45 minutes later.

The wedding did eventually get started. Six attendants: purple, pink, yellow, purple, pink, yellow, followed by purple, pink, yellow butterfly flowergirls. Very pretty. All went well except for an attack by an angry butterfly who was tired of being cooped up in a box.

The reception was also lovely, with a picnic theme. Cute ant stickers too. I got to eat whoopie pie and other good things. We took a fun photo of all the ZFT people--there were 9 of us altogether.


After that, there was cleanup of the reception area, another party at the bride's house, and by the time we drove to the hotel I was getting pretty tired. However, these youngsters were just getting started, and the fellowshipping continued until daybreak for some of them.


Ma Hoyt said...

I presume that's the bride and groom, there, in the center? (a little confused)

Thainamu said...

That photo is confusing, my husband made the same mistake. No, the groom and bride are the ones to the far left.