Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I've had to apologize to so many people for so many reasons lately, I'm getting really good at it. :-/

Whether or not my apologies are accepted is something I can't control.

I had thought about typing out the Four A's of an Apology. Then I remembered I had already blogged about that topic a while back. Here's the list, now with a fifth A:

Acknowledge the facts of the sin.
Admit it was wrong.
Ask forgiveness.
Accept responsibility for the consequences.

Sigh. None of that is easy. But this is one area where scripture has a lot to say that is relevant, no passage more so than I John 1:9:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


calm said...

To apologize and admit it was wrong is somewhat encapsulated in accepting responsibility.

Thainamu said...

Sometimes people can take responsibility for the consequences, but never actually speak the words of confession, something we are told to do. In fact, I'm like that sometimes. How hard it is to actually say the words, "I was wrong, I'm sorry."

calm said...

Pride is a hard thing for people to give up or swallow (though it's non-fattening). People just don't want to appear weak in the face of others. But yes, it is hard to say the words.